It is necessary to begin to relocate some background. These adventures take place just after the Civil War , while the civil identity of Spidey is now known to everyone and that Parker and his family are doomed to a life of fugitives. At the time, Tony Stark is still the head of SHIELD, Flash Thompson still has his legs and Aunt May, who has taken a bullet (see Spider-Man # 92 ) is to the point of death.
The episodes collected here are drawn series Sensational Spider-Man (issues # 35 to # 40) and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man ( # 17 to # 23 ). So it is no confrontation between Spidey and Kingpin (which took place in Amazing SM (see Spider-Man # 97 )).
the scenario, we find Peter David and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa . The drawing part is provided by Todd Nauck , Angel Medina, Ramon Bachs , Clayton Crain , Lee Weeks and Rick Hoberg .
We first Sensational SM . The first arc sees a strange person to engage in an experiment size on youth abducted in the street. These are inoculate a serum that gives them the same powers as the Monte-in-air but in degenerating, gradually transforms into true spiders (just a remake of The Fly , in the teletransportation less). The second story focuses on Eddie Brock (recently became Anti-Venom ), very bad shape (he is sick and has sold his symbiote auction), which is found in the same hospital as the auntie.

It was right next to an episode depicting the origins of Spider-Man and making a little reflection on his fate, his future. Rather introspective and even metaphysics. A nice pose before moving to Friendly Neighborhood SM.
In the first story, Parker teamed up with the Sand Man and tries to prove innocence the latter's father, wrongly accused of murder and threatened with execution. A little harder to follow perhaps the uninitiated, it refers particularly to double by Ben Parker and Spider-Man from 2211 (one with a funny helmet, relatively sophisticated, for those who remember) .
then continued with a more murky plot, which speaks of mystical spiders that try to reproduce using Thompson and Parker as guests (a bit like Aliens , but without the M41 and M56). For the record, Betty Brant is a fairly important role here. Finally, it concludes with an episode which a confrontation between Peter and J. Jonah Jameson ulceration have been fooled by his photographer for years. Rather well done, with some good tricks narrative found.
Overall, we here stories that leave and read with displeasure that focus both on the darker side of Peter (the dark "light" if I were spending the expression) and the spider mythology (broadly defined) that surrounds it. Nothing necessarily essential - especially as everything has been canceled - but it shows that it was entirely possible
building plots that take into account the evolution of the character (his identity revealed, the fact that it is an off-the-law, his new powers ) without altering its fundamentals.

No bonuses, cons Panini has finally managed to turn the usual (stating that each contained Deluxe) of the jacket. Especially, it was still here 13 episodes, which is correct. No problem of translation, by cons (it must be something there), a new practice quite staggering: at one point, someone talks about SHIELD Text and a small inset is placed at the bottom of box. So far, everything is normal you say. Yes, but in fact the explanation of the acronym stops ... the fourth letter (!) and ends with " for details, see Internet . Basically, it means " good, we did not really want to break the ass, we've forgotten what it means to the L and D, Sort this out yourselves to find a fool who will explain it on the net ". There, he was still afraid. I almost admire ... We have really everything they did.
Deluxe A well-stocked and friendly but rather, by the choice of episodes from the series side and a complex period that ended, part of a much larger epic that new readers will find it difficult to grasp subtleties.
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