Dr. Sauniere's investigation leads him gradually toward truth and startling revelations about the Church but also the powerful Duke of Lorraine. It continues to intrigue against the king Louis XXII, to attach the March of Spain, formed by the lands of Marquis of Catalonia, Navarra and Aragon.
A reunification which actually serves as a pretext, the Duke had promised to reject the Mohammedan hordes beyond the natural borders of Europe. The emirate of Cordoba is directly threatened, but by a series of alliances and a domino effect, such a company could set fire to the whole continent and lead England, Prussia, the Holy Roman Empire and Russia war.
Julien Saunière and his friend Dr. Tournon are ever in danger. By combining the secrets of the Duke, they might even bring down the foundations of Christianity ...
Six new episodes of Rex Mundi are now available. The scenario Arvid Nelson remains as thrilling. Hand drawing, ericj , we had already seen at work on the first two volumes (see Volume # 1 and Volume # 2 ) shares this time pencils Jim Di Bartolo with and Juan Ferreyra . It especially the work of the latter which deviates slightly from the atmosphere as we knew, with Face Smoother, which lose much in character.
But back to history. This is a quantum leap forward, both in terms of revelations
on secrets about the Templars and the "real" kings of France, or the side of the political intrigues that are reminiscent of Other historical events are real. There are witnessing a parallel survey (albeit fascinating), type " Da Vinci Code", and skilled laborers geopolitical. The whole course always with the appearance uchronic and magic that are adding a special touch to the whole.

The functioning of the internal policy of France 30's is particularly well thought out. The power is actually shared between the king and the national assembly, split into two chambers, that of Swords, traditionally granted to the Duke of Lorraine, and that of the Dresses, whose members are generally loyal to the king. For a decision to be endorsed, it must seek the approval of two of these three "institutions." The ruler and his house of dresses could therefore always been to offer a sham of parliamentary monarchy, while in fact the king, sure to be supported, retained full powers. It is also striving to reverse this balance and rallying to his cause a majority of dresses that Machiavellian Lorraine took the reins of power, legally (or almost, his methods are sometimes quite speedy when s' acts convince undecided).
The system in place and its conquest are in any case fully described and a real asset to the story.
addition are the latest revelations, based pentagrams, skulls and other esoteric elements (which sometimes uses the Arthurian legend), we have right now with the usual newspaper clippings, a small gallery of artwork and a foreword by JH Williams III .
It is worth saying a few words about the latter because, although its author is
cartoonist and writer, he managed to say still a lot of nonsense on his profession within a few lines. I'll quickly go through the nonsense and political considerations, such as "we ment", " Rex Mundi is essential to understand what the newspapers say Evening "(really?), To come to a most embarrassing and gratuitous statement that claims that this comic is" one of the few examples that will tell you something thought-provoking, and will be a breath of fresh air to our brains watered propaganda. "Well, I know it is customary to praise in general what is present in a preface, m 'finally here, he politely explains that readers are great fools gullible who need a comic to reflect on the world, and especially that most comics do not appeal to reflection.

Rarely has an author as denigrating his own domain (or it is just stupid and do not realize what he said, given the rambling about, I incline to this explanation). Obviously Rex Mundi , without denying its very real qualities, is far from the only comic book series to spark debate, to think or question our society or an aspect thereof. Afraid to say is to disregard the work of many artists who are much more than simply entertain or refourguer readers nice bright children's stories.
short, it is the preface the most stupid that I have read so far. The bar is high, but we certainly find better one day. It seems that we must never despair of fools. Excellent album for a series that becomes increasingly addictive over the episodes.
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