A young woman goes home, calls his lover and, in the meantime, viewed an erotic film found in an old projector. The coil will burn out but seems to have left a trace on one wall. A door appeared.
By going this route, it will discover a disturbing and sensual place where she will meet people that will lead to the abandonment, pleasure ... loss perhaps?
Difficult to say more about the history since this work is unique. The author is Dave McKean , An artist who had already admired the graphic in Batman: Arkham Asylum where, among other things, Sandman which he signed the so admirable covers.
This graphic novel has the distinction of being exclusively graphic in the sense that the author does not use text or conversation. The reader is immersed from the start in beds "silent" but particularly evocative.
McKean uses a wide range of tools and effects to convey the desired emotions: collages photographs, games of transparency, violent contrasts, close-ups or surreal atmosphere can give a tone almost more disturbing than erotic in this story (although the sex or gender, are at the center point).
Both say it's more of a singular experience, a profound work on form
, as a comic classic in its acceptance. Each stop on a longer page, will be hit by a symbol or a raw image, as if, finally, the player walked around in a single exposure to thematic and logical progression.

At once beautiful, disturbing and confusing, this book (which looks more than it reads) that deserves some attention here, even if only for the dreamlike power of its performances or use, glaucous and clever fruit "metaphor" to refer to the carnal act with a raw, natural, almost obscene lack of soft romanticism that surrounds it usually the most primitive desires. The best is yet to unveil a few boards to get a clearer idea of the content. This article will be widely shown. I obviously chose designs relatively soft but know that elements more explicit are present, which of course the book intended for mature audiences.
course the approach is resolutely artistic and not pay any vulgarity in the moment, however, the subject and its treatment will probably be unusual far from unanimous. Neither a novel nor a series of pictures, not really an artbook, this is a subject - as atypical aesthetic - which shows how the subtle art of the design is rich and still allows very surprising explorations.
A journey into the senses and their visual representations.
intellectually exciting.
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