Skinner Sweet is an off-the-law. Not a romantic desperado or a thug with a big heart is a rot of the worst kind. Cold as a snake, sly as a fox, he does not hesitate to stumble even when the kids need. It is what the Wild West has produced the worst. Fortunately, the Pinkerton agency was able to put an end to his criminal career in apprehending. It remains only to hang him and forget her look bad.
But all is not so simple. Not only are the accomplices of Sweet escape but in the ensuing scuffle, the killer receives a drop of blood in the eye. Bad blood. That will forever change his nature.
Sweet has been tainted by a vampire. A vampire with old, came from the old lands of Europe, who fear the light of day and wears sissy. The meeting between drinkers of blood from the literature and America will make a leap in the evolution of Dentus. Sweet because he, and walk in the sun will be stronger, faster ... "Larger than life" image of the continent where everything is possible.
45 years later, in 1920, two young girls landed in Hollywood, lured by the lights of a film emerging which already creates false idols. They will quickly discover that the West has lost none of its wildness. It was just ... changed in shape.
Ah 'Vertigo' ... a label that does not lie so much, in general, it hosts the series are well worth a visit. Again, the rule is respected. Scott Snyder is to that we owe the concept and scenario American Vampire . Stephen King, who has participated in writing, reveals in the preface that, first contacted to find a promotional slogan, it has finally got the bandwagon and write the origins of Sweet, which is so unlike adaptations from his novels ( The Dark Tower , The Scourge ), his first creation to direct a comic.
The drawings are the work of Rafael hot dog, jumping frog " Albuquerque (uh, sorry for the nickname invented, it is a small valve music, not sure anyone understands it
). The visual appearance is certainly more exciting, with some nice flat areas, true "reds", a dynamism during the action scenes and plans often effective.

For the plot, yes, we may be tempted to say that a vampire story is far from original. Yet it is poorly known authors who, with their Dracula made in Wild West, we speak almost no country that fans of hemoglobin. Because the central theme of this first arc of five episodes is the savagery in the broadest sense, but the illusion shattered dreams and even the cruelty of Hollywood illusions.
The metaphor may even go further and join History, by drawing a parallel between these new vampires, whose parents are European, but who, faced with the harshness of these new lands and hostile, will become more ferocious than their fathers, and the evolution of U.S. based by the son of the old continent that exceed in everything (often in trouble sometimes) distant cousins Italian, French or Irish. Even if our report complex, tinged with envy, admiration and fear, with our friends from overseas may find themselves in this tale, both entertaining and profound.
Revenge, love, violence, heroism and monstrosity, All these themes ultimately the heart of lives, well away from our current comfort, we chose to forget or to romanticize. Vampires Snyder and King are not romantic. They do not drink at a bar in True Blood, they are not the attraction of the local high school with their Tronches of cake, "pale" and "mysterious." Them, they bite, they tear, they kill. Not because they are vampires, but because that is what every living being. And if you do not have to smell the fresh blood at the back of your palate, make sure it's because someone, somewhere, bites and kills you. So you can have meat under cellophane
Leclerc corner and forget that you too are a predator who gets drunk and dreamed of civilization that he will one day live without killing. Which is impossible. And vampires, and for us.

The translation is perfect, I would just revert to the term "lousdé", the choice of spelling seems to me unfortunate (though, in slang, construction phonetic n is not always absurd). Loucedé largonji actually comes from (not to be confused with or largonjem louchebem a little different), a jargon long before the best-known as Verlan date nineteenth century. Currently, the largonji is virtually no longer present in the spoken language (there are exceptions, like "crazy", but not quite obey the same rules), except in the form "in loucedé ", a term commonly used and understood well that most people know its origin. This slang is based on replacing the first letter of a word (when it is a consonant) with an "L". The original consonant is then added to the end and decorated with a vowel based on phonetics to form a suffix ("B" becomes "be", "J" becomes "ji", etc.).
"cheating" gives "in loucedé" and "jargon" turns into "largonji. The coding is simple, but for a person who does not know the key is not used or heard, it makes conversation almost impossible to follow.
Well, it was a bit off topic, but I rarely get to speak largonji. O)
An excellent use of the vampire myth and a beautiful evocation of an America as harsh and fascinating, all complemented by a loss of self that is all the more impressive very often lack the French authors.
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