Warning , the composition of some teams is revealed in what follows.
After Marvel Icons Marvel Heroes and , here is a third regular publication focuses "Heroes". Everything was done early this year, to facilitate (at least apparently) the arrival of new readers: new title relaunch journals "cousins", small gift, succinct summary of the past Avengers, all coinciding more with a New Era of Heroic Age marvelverse entitled .
Do not yet have any illusions, even if this access point is no less valid than any other, a novice reader will find it difficult to navigate among the many characters (little known and more) found here. Indeed, one wonders the relevance of the title "Stars Marvel. Normally, the stars of Marvel, it evokes what? Spidey, Wolvie ... well, no, here we will rather Opal, Ant-Man and Moon Knight. In absolute terms, it is a good thing to let the headliners aside to exploit the many sidekick of the House of Ideas, but suddenly the name still seems exaggerated, even false. Well, they could not call it Marvel assholes, but between "asshole" and "star", there might be ways to find a more suitable compromise.
Well, at this point, I recommends a very interesting discussion begun by Yannzed on his blog and is entitled Comics Utopia .
In terms of the gift mentioned above, there is actually a comic VO, swinging randomly. You can drop both the Spider-Man time Back in Black as Paradise X example. Yes, it's been a little "get rid of our shit that we do not know what to do", especially for non-English speaking, interest is limited, but it is a gift and it has been worse, so let's say you're happy. Yippee.
Come on, you attack the content. It begins with a little speech on recent events (Civil War , Secret Invasion ...). It's (very) quick but it can still help newcomers. A good initiative on the part of Panini, as the highlight because it does not happen so often.
The first series we discovered is Secret Avengers of Ed Brubaker (script) and Mike Deodato (drawing). Beautiful boards and a fairly motley composition which can give good things. The team is represented as an illegal strike force, specializing in covert operations and preventive. The Valkyrie is found, the Black Widow, Beast, Moon Knight,
Ant-Man, War Machine and even Nova, all the little band is under the direction of Cape Town. One can expect much of the duo Moon Knight / Ant-Man, I do not know why, but I can see in a comic buddy trip those two.

This first album is made especially recruitment and a threat still unclear. Anyway pretty nice overall.
Then comes the intruder with the magazine Incredible Hulk . It was very difficult to understand what he is doing there among groups of infiltration and special operations, a trend barbouzarde. It's probably more the episode the lowest monthly. Bruce Banner takes care of his son Skaar. It was right at the Red Hulk as a guest and a fight with Doom (and then it starts to get to see him stuffing down all signs in this poor Doom). In short, nothing too exciting.
Greg Pak is the scenario, Paul Pelletier drawings.
It connects with Thunderbolts, with a short story alleging Enter the Heroic Age then the 144th episode of the on-going, written by Jeff Parker and drawn by Kev Walker .
Exit course the old version of the team in the boot of Norman Osborn. This time, Luke Cage, who took control of the group of (supposed) repentant. The role suits him rather well. He surrounded himself with Songbird (Melissa is the poor ugly with her new haircut or am I dreaming?), Opal, and the Phantom of the Scourge, as well as Crossbones, a choice very surprising but justified in the narrative.
Something funny: the means of transport which they are endowed. While they may have a quinjet, an alien spacecraft, or enjoy the powers of teleportation of a mutant, no, it would be too easy, they refile Man-Thing (who incidentally has a sort of link with a space- specific time set in the Everglades and it can handle). Instead of having a nice trick, Hank Pym is therefore in their legs a slimy smelly foo who does not speak, and you Crame if you have the misfortune to feel the fear in his presence. It's convenient eh?
I recalls that Pym is supposed to be one of the smartest people in the universe ... 616 Fortunately that Cage did not go to the idiot on the corner, it would have passed on a plum tart magic or another machine in the genre. I imagine the scene.

- Say, you would not have a means of transportation for my boys?
- Well, if I spoke in an old mangy raccoon, it may dematerialize people and send them anywhere. By cons, do not smile in his presence, otherwise it explodes and your whole family dies.
- Oh? Er ... ok, I'll take that.
I kidding, but in fact this new beginning for the team is very enjoyable and rather, again promising.
It finally ends with Secret Warriors of Jonathan Hickman (scenario) and Alessandro Vitti (drawing). Representatives of the Howling Commandos are heard in secret by the board of the UN Security following a covert operation in China, against the Hydra. It is interspersed with scenes of reunion between thugs who knocked a lot, it smells good testosterone manly friendship and booze. So rather cliche, but it reads very well and is fitting with the rest (except for our good so Hulk).
I have not talked about translation in general, it is quite correct, but sometimes some clumsy expressions like "electro-shock that only they can use." Uh, "they alone", it does not come to mind? Or it would be too nice and easy to read, perhaps? Finally, I think everybody has resigned anyway ...
Well the results are rather positive. Good series (Mostly) and a new beginning for some interesting groups, composed of elements sometimes unexpected.
Still, to start in the Marvel universe with it, it will still hang a little.
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