There are about 6 or 7 years.
I go back a drink with my friend E.
I remember too, I think we had gone to the left hemisphere or dinner somewhere.
We say bye to a street corner, I go get my bus at the corner St-Michel and Rosemont.
My friend joked away, as it always does
- Hey, watch it! I do not want anything happening to you! Ok?
She laughs, I laugh too.
I know she has a little scary at night for no reason, just because it is not secure.
She knows that, unlike her, I never scared at night when I walk.
I trust in general, I do not know why.
I cried,
- Yes, yes! Worry! Go back there!
I hear him laugh and I took one last glance at his small stature and slightly androgynous any menu that goes away.
A small peak maternal anxiety thinking it is still a little nervous when her boyfriend is out of town for a few days and it certainly will sleep poorly.
I hunt this little dark thought.
Waiting for the bus.
67 on the St-Michel, albeit in Rosemont I take it is advisable never too late at night.
gangs are always in the direction Montreal North.
From rock and roll world enough, if not downright heavy metal.
the world to whom you leave your place if they want.
the world you even if they are not fixed loud and you look not in the eyes, because you know it will not delay that:
- Hey yo, you got a problem? What qu'tu r'gardes the same?
the world that you close your Yeul, you get your breakfast and stop at the t'espères christ.
That evening, precisely, the atmosphere is tense as I entered the bus.
A gang monopolizes the back of the bus and talk loudly so that everybody feel good that attention, they are the boss instead.
I am in a small corner at the front.
A guy starts to disgust, a girl too.
The posturing rife on the side of the gang, it becomes even almost violent.
Intimidation 101.
We are all fucking uncomfortable.
One of the guys from the famous gang is quieter but like his hand in his coat as if he was going to release something menacingly.
For a moment I wonder if it's not a gun. ;
Yet I am not frightened, but then I admit that I freak a little.
I wonder if I'll get out of the bus in one piece.
I finally arrive at the corner of St-Michel / Sauvé and I almost garrocha bottom of the bus.
I walk up to ultra fast to me and I shut the door, relieved.
My roommate does is not arrived at work and I'm alone in the apartment.
It works in a restaurant and never ends before the wee hours of the morning.
I exchange my cleanses, relaxes me quietly after that time rather stressful on the bus.
I finally calmed down.
I come to settle down in my bed when the phone rings.
I look at the time.
Who can be called at this hour?
I tell myself that this must be my roommate, a glass in the nose it has made to his restaurant before finally telling me she finishes her shift and coming .
I pick.
I hear squeaking, rapid breathing.
- Hello?
I hear the person take a breath, as if she lacked breath.
- Anybody?
suddenly I hear, through the shortness of breath, crying and a little voice.
- I. Thou?
I think it's my roommate on the phone, in trouble or I do not know.
I understand nothing and I'm starting to seriously panic.
- What's happening? Is that you?
And suddenly, a response devastated, panicky:
- It E. I ... I ... was a civil guy ... I walked ... bad guy who was a civil ... too bad I started to run ... there 's too bad the guy ran it worse ... he caught me ... he told me ...
And she cries as ever.
Oh my god.
Is not that what it is.
is not possible.
She was with me just now, everything was fine.
How in 30 minutes, how it might ...
Oh my god ....
- I arrive E. I'll be right E. You're home? Especially not move, I take a taxi and arrive ok?
I call a taxi.
5 minutes later he arrives and I board, completely sounded.
mechanically I give the address the guy who looks at me strangely.
- Are you alright Miss?
I get out of fried on:
- Huh?
- You are correct? You are pale ...
- I'm going home to my friend. She just being attacked ...
- Oh my god ... Is what it is ... Is that okay?
The guy implies obviously the worst.
- I dunno ....
- I'm sorry Miss ...
- Yes ...
The journey seems so, but so long.
The guy watching me from the taxi his car to make sure I'm correct.
I throws him a thank you from afar.
I go and I see E.
Scrapie, demolished white, almost more slender than usual.
She looked like a frightened animal before the headlights of a car just before impact.
I gently take in the show.
Just to see her, although she is completely distraught and panicked, I already know that the worst has not happened.
I know enough to know that it would have been completely crushed, blown, dead inside.
And I'm in front of a E. so helpless, exhausted too, free, lost, but still standing.
Low, but still standing.
She looks at me her eyes full of water:
- He has not had time to ...
- Ok .. Is thee ... done something?
She swallowed loudly in disgust, looks down on the floor, almost shameful act that perfect sick he was subjected:
- He 's a. .. well it me ...
- You're not obliged to tell me E. I just want whether you're correct ...
- He put his hand ... it a. .. on my ... in my ...
She cries and her eyes, plus a small nod downwards directed my gaze where I unfortunately doubt already.
I close my eyes in horror.
- I ... I managed to give it a shot ... a shot pouch ... on the head ... too bad it has saved ... because ... because a guy ... y ' a guy who yelled at him ...
She explains that a passer-by saw the guy jump on him and yelled to scare the rapist.
it is then stayed away from her, seeing that she was panicking and he said he only wanted to help her, tell her what she wanted to do that it does not come close to not scare him, but he would follow far for her to return home or go to the police in security.
I say there are at least smart people and not all disgusting in life.
She also tells the feeling of intense fear that has taken him by the throat when she saw the guy wanted nothing to his bag, but her own.
And with the look she had had time to see her, she was convinced at that time it would not make it alive ...
I feel like crying, spitting on the mentally ill, to torture, to pass on to char.
I satisfies E. call the police to give evidence, to encourage themselves by saying that, perhaps, we will prevent another girl being attacked by this guy ...
That night, I do not sleep at night, unable because qu'installée beside E. trembling like a leaf and crying constantly.
The evening after, I do not go by my house and I sleep badly.
I think my roommate entering so late every time I walk alone at night or even at night.
And the next night I'm alone in my apartment and I like a secret fear that settles gently ...
And since that time, calls me late are screeching freak.
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