When I started this blog, I thought of calling "make me a Sophie Calle."
Because I wanted to focus on this aspect of the game, humorous, sarcastic things of everyday life.
I love this artist who infiltrates the daily cost of small gestures and especially irreverent words.
short, I found it a bit pretentious to usurp its name.
I thought of an old story where after I had told a supervisor of the dinner, "You're bitch Lucette." That made me laugh and it sounded good. But hey.
Some friends suggested to me afterwards: "I have mental images", because really, I have mental images of non-stop when you told me and stuff I repeat every time.
Finally, I opted for Absurdities claustrophobic (even though I was not sure Pantoute) and that, because, really, ridiculous things happen to me every day .
I spoke yesterday with my best friend who supped with me and with whom I spend over 40 hours per week together because 1) we work together and 2) you live in a corner from each other. And therefore witnessing most of them and it just chattered my could not get either of those moments frequent absurd and incomprehensible.
Examples? I will tale a ton in my absurdities numbered. But if you know how it goes on every day, which I can do anything. Do I have a lucky star, a heightened sixth sense, gifts, a particular way of being stuck in the ass by strange events linked? I'm not esoteric here, but Cibola, sometimes I wonder. What it looks in everyday life? From this:
last night.
Two buses waiting at the subway exit, one full and ready to go, the other nearly empty and few people picking up. Lots of people head to the first and embeds it in normal time and I would have done the same thing to happen more quickly at home. Yet I know not why, I told my friend to another, what we do.
The other bus ready to go forward remains pogne finally stopped because " he just fell down, while ours gets passengers and leave.
past week.
I pogne books from the library. I managed to take a lot everyone I wanted, I decided that my battery is fairly comprehensive and makes me at the circulation desk. To get there, I decided at the last minute to go through an alley and I have not made myself when I sneak a book is simply removed from its storage space (only one in the driveway as that) enough so that I can see his wallet and I'm really on my ass because this is a book that I want to borrow at least 3 years and I always forget that in my list of loans.
In addition, just before reading this book, I had just cracked me one that spoke for several pages okapi, a strange animal zebra. And well I started the book and now that I chatter also okapi.
Falling on two books on talking to me car, whatever. Fall on two books on talking to an animal as a weird and unknown okapi?
By tk.
this week.
I'm at work and THE Man is there every day, he dined with us, it crosses around areas of work. Ok, it's there in my face all the time, I live with. Thursday, it is not the end. A little break. At the end of the day, a colleague just talking here and we shall not name this man famous. Similarly, the boyfriend of my friend - who works with us - take a post-it on which there 's the name of the man (he must leave a word for the day) and know my attraction to this guy, puts the paper on my desk saying, hey, it happened to you! Making me a silly grin. The day ended on that and I say it's still weird that the only day it is not there, I was babbling to him non-stop, question never forget that it exists in the tsetse LIFE. Osti.
I go home, actually having the feeling that I'll meet someone I know, I know not why. I get to my street and I see that happen to me?
The Man.
When I got home last night I climb the stairs and a thought comes to mind, as it not report what I had set aside for a while: I wonder when I will restore UQAM news about my admission file Master's - that the director wanted to reread control, whereas I had supposedly not made the request in good control and he wanted to help me re-Online for future admission - and when I should remind it sounds without tiring or harassing.
I enter my home and I have a message.
It tells me we review the decision and I am allowed to control under conditions really easy to reach.
I fucking understand anything.
Tell me that it happens to you as non-stop, because, seriously, it makes you crazy ...
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