A hole in the wall of his living room, a shooting and a boy on the arm for Fontina, the day began rather badly. The man knows yet manage critical situations. He's an ex cop. Unfortunately, this is also what is known in common parlance a "toast". Someone who is no longer connected to the network and it looks almost like a monster.
While everyone can communicate a simple thought, order a pizza in a split second without picking up any phone or enjoy leisurely holograms dedicated to virtual sex, Fontina, it must use the old methods. Talking to people, move really ... and face an unknown threat.
Someone tries to kill this kid, so he needs help. His mother seems to have been eliminated, so we must know why. And then there is this persistent feeling of having forgotten something.
Something important ...
Here is a reprint particularly interesting. Initially, this is the series published in The Humanoids under the title The Infinite . At the time (the last volume
date of 2008), it had been published in three parts (46 sheets each) in a European format (24x32). The Humanos had the good idea to highlight all in full, in a format comics, more economical and practical (19x26).

The screenplay is written by Chuck Austen , best known for his work at Marvel on Ultimate X-Men or excellent Call of Duty . The drawings and coloring are Matt Cossin . The graphic style is sometimes a bit simplistic, but the atmosphere that emerges is not unpleasant. It is regrettable however that the strange habitat in which the story takes place is not more developed, especially as some urban scenes, which are somewhat reminiscent visually Fifth Element are rather successful. Yes, if you're careful, you'll notice that it is already the third movie I quote, but it is true that this work has a lot of similarities with some cousins pictures. But just now seeing the plot.
The theme may seem pour into the already-seen, but beyond the multi-connected universe depicted, the author will also put up clever parallel oblivion . Forgetting "technical", resulting from loss of memory, but also forgetting "politico-social" for example. The world described is indeed a kind of sphere
Dyson inhabited, aimed to colonize other planets. However, the journey is so long that those who see the end would not know their real world (generations whole are born and die during the journey) and, especially, they have never volunteered for this disturbing experience. The original purpose of the trip ends up with "forgotten" or even be countered by immediate individual interests. Finally, one can still speak of forgetting "comfort", allowing the man to put aside what his morality would not admit it. This last aspect is touched on only, but the questions it generates are fascinating: a man who has forgotten all about his past can he be held accountable for its past acts? The answer is perhaps not so obvious as it seems ...

narratives is almost faultless. The reader is immediately caught up in the story, the revelations are well fed and the dialogue is often sharp and funny. The tone is also still among the action comedy (with a little guy who posted an account valve before an asshole butt) and the real drama, almost caused the loss of memories that death itself, the final model is a false happy ending frankly bitter.
A pleasant and entertaining reading, with a hint of reflection but a sketchy gives its zest to the whole.
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