Moon Knight is back in town! And the least we can say is that his back is sensational as it stops quite spectacular band of robbers. However, the press and the police find that man seems to have changed. So that its interventions usually turned to the carnage, the lawman makes more bloodshed.
Norman Osborn and Hood will quickly try to get rid of the nuisance, particularly by bringing to life one of his worst nightmares. A situation which could well be right mental health vacillating hero ... and its fragile as recent as good resolutions.
As you can see in the summary, this story takes place before the fall of Osborn and the end of Dark Reign (see this article ). There are six episodes from the new series Revenge of the Moon Knight , written by Gregg Hurwitz and designed by Jerome Opena .
The original idea (a Moon Knight prey to violent internal conflict) is not bad, but how the Hurwitz development leaves much to be desired. A bit like his previous Foolkiller , author
book narration confused abusing ellipses difficult to understand or, conversely, causing the reader to the vicissitudes of dubious value. The dialogues are also a pathetically inadequate. In this respect, interventions Sentry and Spider-Man and are bordered on the ridiculous banality of astounding. It almost seems that we have forced the writer to use them and he took revenge by making soporific. That said, it would still give him a certain intent and ability to implement it, which I doubt very seriously.

On the form, I confess so do not adhere to the style of Hurwitz (at this stage it would be wiser to speak of lack of style). In terms of substance, it is much better since we redid the shot the former corpse back in great shape. The worst thing is that Mooney is surprised. Yet, as a resident of 616, he should know that abut definitely someone out there is an achievement.
And to top it off - but it is the little "plus" Panini - out comes a little late and can not avoid, suddenly, the sensation of warm.
In the end, not much to be learned from this story uninspired and boring. Rather
damage compared to the potential of the character who, despite his status as second knife, ends up in the same across the headliners.
A book only to fans of Moon Knight. And yet ...
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