Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kitchenaid Refrigerator Water Leaks Back

Elegance of the Hedgehog, Muriel Barbery

This is a book that I offered without reading, then I got my turn, I read some time ago and I finally said, in favor of a common reading. A novel whose much has been made to its output ... And me, what do I say?


"My name is Renee, I'm fifty-four years and I am the caretaker of 7 rue de Grenelle, a stately building. I am a widow, a small, ugly, chubby, I have some onions and feet, according to some self-bothersome morning, a breath of a mammoth. Most importantly, I'm so true to the image we have of janitors he would dream of who I am more literate than all those rich enough.

My name is Paloma, I'm twelve years old, I live at 7 rue de Grenelle in an apartment for the rich. But for a very long time, I know the final destination is the fishbowl, emptiness and absurdity of adult existence. How do I know? It happens that I am very intelligent. Exceptionally intelligent, well. That's why I made my decision: at the end of this school year, the day of my thirteen years, I kill myself. "
(back cover)

My opinion:

Admit that this summary makes you want to read this book. It did that to me, to me, too. Two original characters, especially the concierge, we want to know why she hide, why it plays comedy and locks himself in a miserable little life almost to conceal his abilities. We also want to learn more about the little Paloma, even if you already guessed the malaise of teenage boy-to-rich and misunderstood. We want to discover how these two worlds are gonna meet and will help each other - it's always what happens in this kind of novel.

No problem, open the book and you know it all. Even more: it is not expected to really smooth Manuela or the emergence of Mr Ozu. The narrative unfolds nicely, reveals the secrets of each other and ends on a rather abrupt end but not particularly disappointing. All that is left is kindly read and have a good time.

What do you say? Patronizing me? Yes, I admit, there's a bit of that. Because he has missed something in the reading so that I want to come back. Perhaps it is the grotesque side of the thing that bothered me. Renee not hold, it is too intelligent to be satisfied with a miserable little life, or not enough to look for as high. Paloma is never really credible nor his desire to commit suicide rather annoying and arrogance in his teens. Mr Ozu left me astonished, unable to really identify and especially to understand what enables him to see through the real Renee. Arrival at the end I found having had a good time but I could put this book on the shelf without the slightest regret.

So what shall I say? Read it, get your own opinion, because I know many have loved and you will not go the wrong time. But do not expect the work that will shake up the literature ...

Sheet Bibliomania Book:

My co-readers:
- those who really loved Yogi, Melusine, Anneso
- those who did not like: Setsuka


انجين محمد said...

مكافحة حشرات بالخبر
يعد انتشار الحشرات داخل المنزل من أكثر الأمور المزعجة للغاية بالنسبة لربة المنزل، وذلك لتكاثر تلك الحشرات بشكل مبالغ فيه وبالأخص في فصل الصيف، ويرجع ذلك إلى درجات الحرارة المرتفعة، ولذلك تسعى دوماً لتجربة الكثير من الخلطات للتخلص من تلك الحشرات ولكن يأتي جميعها بالفشل.
ولذلك تعمل شركه مكافحه حشرات بالخبر على تقديم كافة خدماتها للقيام بالتخلص من الحشرات وللأبد، فتعمل الشركة على رش مبيدات بحرفية شديدة عن طريق فنيين محترفين تم تدريبهم من قبل على كيفية التعامل مع هذه الأمور، يجب دوماً على ربة المنزل الحفاظ على أرضية المطبخ نظيفة وغير مبللة، والعمل على التخلص من القمامة المتراكمة بشكل مستمر، وبذلك يتم الحد من تكاثر الحشرات.

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