It is a little time for me to comment, as it is already out there 12 days, but it is never too late to advertise a good product. On December 1 came out on Livraddict Mag n ° 4, devoted entirely to contemporary literature in French!
In Mags lineage of previous Team Livraddict wanted to offer an overview as varied as possible a kind of very heterogeneous. You will find in this issue presentations of authors from all sides such as Hubert Reeves, Jean-Christophe Grange or Serge Brussolo; an exclusive interview Bernard Werber, a presentation of the major literary prizes, and many discoveries to be made under different themes ( selected the last of Goncourt, release to come, favorites of the Team and Livraddictiens some recent discoveries), a presentation of some interesting film adaptations And our recipe, our comic ... and many other things.
This issue also contains a very moving tribute to author Pierre Bottero, who died a little over a year. Livraddict members wanted to honor him in their own way, and it is also an opportunity to discover his work. This case is accompanied by a contest to win three volumes of the series Ellana but You only have three days to participate, hurry up!
As usual, you can read the magazine online ; to see the pages more closely, just click or use mouse wheel. You can also download format. pdf and print it if you want. Do not hesitate to make known in the broadcasting around you!
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