Norman Barron is a hero of reality TV. There is also a captain in a company private police. Its investigations are broadcast live and made him an extremely popular personality. Of course, nothing less "real" than reality show. Some scenes are repeated, the scenery changed, the players handled. The producer, skilled a stage director of the moment, may even directly influence events by discreetly giving directions to a Barron became a master of improvisation and dramatic.
Driven by success and money, Barron and production will stop at nothing more, accumulating lies and abuses. Even the couple's separation Barron was hidden from the public, Norman and his wife, reduced to the rank of porn actress, content to play the game some nights before the cameras.
In this murky world and empty, while focusing on appearance, the young Oshii Feal, sucking at the academy Police will disembark. After the death of Sheeta, colleague and Barron's tenure, it will indeed be named to replace him. First dazzled by the luxury and fame, she will quickly become disillusioned by discovering reality. One that does not sell. That we do not show. Especially not to the general public.
The back cover gives the tone right away: yesterday, the TV was a trash can. Today
, it is a dump. Tomorrow she will be a landfill. Médiacop, our reality show, going after tomorrow ...

hard to make it clearer.
But some explanations are first required on the origin of this series. A bit like Flywire at Les Humanos, it is a complete reprint which, for the trouble, change the format but also as the former Reality Show becoming Médiacop . The five original albums assembled here are scripted by Jean-David Morvan . The author has very many comics to his credit ( Wake , HK , Nomad but Spirou et Fantasio ) and has even attacked Wolverine a few years ago, with Saudade , one of the few stories to keep afloat in the calamitous collection Marvel Transatlantic (admittedly mostly leaded by Faraci ).
The drawings are signed Francis Porcel and are very successful. Detailed and very beautiful scenery, varied and effective plans, plus some charming characters, Oshii in mind.
Now back to the bottom of this story mixing thriller and SF. The condemnation of television and its derivatives, entirely justified, is particularly well supplied. Virtually nothing is spared to the characters in cynicism and cold
handling. Barron also appears at first very unpleasant (or insensitive) before finally winning in humanity in contact with his new teammate. It is true that the players in reality television are also often the first victims, which is also the case here. Of course we asked about the thematic power of the gaze and desire to always offer more eye jaded and full of sex and violence, pointing to the worst of the industries that either, that of immediacy and reflection in the very short term.

Amidst this bleak picture is brighter place take a detective story, Oshii and Barron are actually on the trail of a serial killer who mutilates his victims horribly. The resolution is a bit far-fetched (and sights set on Asimov) but can then get a program concept even worse. This second part (this is actually two distinct arcs) is somewhat less exciting, even if it implements is even more immoral and indecent. Narration in particular, left in the hands of the producer who explains the action more than it takes place, supported the comments but probably a little lose in dramatic intensity.
The record, however, generally very positive and low price. It also noted the presence of a small gallery hosting some illustrations and research. The addition of the original albums covers could be more but this omission is not dramatic.
Sound sentencing practices that are less and less of fiction but also a really good story served by engaging characters and a world as beautiful and fascinating graphically by the dark it hides.
Highly recommended.
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