Magazine: Better Living your money (which I never read it yet) number 279.
Note: Parts in italics are my comments obviously.
Article: "How to backup your data" Already
what computer an article in a magazine like that? No computer user is safe from a "crash"
I like the quotes, journalists they do not know how to call computer problems, it's like "bug" I 'm has always laugh , improper handling
oops I deleted my files! Here I had to save them! or a virus attack ....
I'm not the four points of suspension is in the mag, it's very mystical like that virus attacks is EVIL VIRUS These are then months of work, valuable documents or your vacation photos that are lost! The solution:
VANISH OXI ACTION FREEZE! nan? shit I thought aec Belmard Pierre and Marise a shot back in a few minutes but steadily, its computer data, copying them to another medium.
yeah and with the virus as well as make it even better! on CDROM. If you have little data to keep (documents, photos, address books,
divx, mp3, software hacks, oops ah nan , burn them on CD-ROM is the cheapest solution. A CD-Rom costs between 1 and 2 euro
yes yes there are still people who come to the fund fnac with a CDR, if and when they pay well between 1 and 2 euro and saves between 600 and 900 MB But these media are fragile
and should not be used as coasters and have a limited lifespan
like any hardware actually . In addition, you will need to install backup software (or backup)
z'avez understand? go to google and type in the same and promised you find nero! , without which some files are hard to find and copy.
while there, the report ... I must find him, I offer a kinder bueno to Find. .
on hard disk. two solutions: either you add a second hard drive on your computer, with automatic backup software for your programs, whether you opt for a system copy with two hard drives and a card strictly identical for all Raid recorded simultaneously.
So there two things! The first is that given the quality of the article we do not know where the journalist dug his raid. And two, bah I do not know to whom this article but I j'dis to my parents not like you would put a Raid on your machine? They look at me with eyes ... On Zip drive. Unlike Cd Rom at that time I already fear , backup magnetic reader Zip is very reliable and that is why
but I'll let you read more . With another edge over the backup to disk: the disk can be stored in a safe place
(OoO) , safe
(Oo °) example. So your files do not fear theft or fire or flood!
Well I better slow cooker, I put my CD rom into the vault like that for 1 euro I keep my data. Better! I put my hard drive in the safe! EVEN BETTER: I put my PC in safe and I shuts down and take off the power supply jack! on external hard drive. Benefits are the same as a Zip drive
yes j just said we can put it in a safe the hard drive is not even forced it external : once the backup is done, place the hard disk in a safe place.
but it does what the girl on his PC?? It should not have stuff on the net its hard! His ability allows you to save all files and applications and can be plugged into another computer to operate the mobile content.
then there is the same girl who wanted two seconds to put his hard drive in a safe, and spoke of the evils virus, is now talking about a walk like that in her hard as she nomad said ... Finally, on some models, simply press a button to copy or restore all data. Yeah
and bam it just happens you put the external hard button and copy data, yeah yeah. You understand? The section on the button above. Katia Vilarasau
Well Katie, thank you. Yes thank you for making it even visible among people who know nothing and takes, and people know nothing and are quin'y style genre ...